Number of Friendly Grocer stores in Australia in 2025

Last updated on February 12, 2025

How many Friendly Grocer stores are there in Australia?

There are 216 Friendly Grocer stores in Australia as of February 12, 2025. The state and territory with the most number of Friendly Grocer locations in Australia is New South Wales, with 105 stores, which is about 49% of all Friendly Grocer stores in Australia.


How can I download a list of Friendly Grocer stores in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 216 Friendly Grocer locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 States and Territories with the most Friendly Grocer stores

New South Wales

105 (49%)

A store for every 77,838 people, in New South Wales with about 49% of the total number of Friendly Grocer stores


73 (34%)

A store for every 71,164 people, in Queensland with about 34% of the total number of Friendly Grocer stores


31 (14%)

A store for every 214,903 people, in Victoria with about 14% of the total number of Friendly Grocer stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
New South Wales 105 (49%) 8.17M 77.84K
Queensland 73 (34%) 5.20M 71.16K
Victoria 31 (14%) 6.66M 214.90K
Australian Capital Territory (3%) 432.00K 61.71K

There are Friendly Grocer stores in 5 states and territories in Australia

States and Territories without any Friendly Grocer stores

These states and territories do not have any Friendly Grocer stores

  • Northern Territory
  • Western Australia
  • Tasmania
  • South Australia

There are 4 states and territories without Friendly Grocer stores in Australia

Cities with the most number of Friendly Grocer stores in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Caboolture Queensland 2
Capalaba Queensland 2
Traralgon Victoria 2
Redcliffe Queensland 2
Cardwell Queensland 1
Maclagan Queensland 1
Annerley Queensland 1
Kangaroopoint Queensland 1
Surat Queensland 1
Mainbeach Queensland 1

Friendly Grocer vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Friendly Grocer   vs   IGA 1,315 (+1,099 locations than Friendly Grocer) 8 (+4 states than Friendly Grocer) 1,155 (+943 cities than Friendly Grocer)
Friendly Grocer   vs   Woolworths Supermarkets 1,117 (+901 locations than Friendly Grocer) 8 (+4 states than Friendly Grocer) 974 (+762 cities than Friendly Grocer)
Friendly Grocer   vs   Coles Supermarkets 858 (+642 locations than Friendly Grocer) 8 (+4 states than Friendly Grocer) 769 (+557 cities than Friendly Grocer)
Friendly Grocer   vs   Aldi 599 (+383 locations than Friendly Grocer) 6 (+2 states than Friendly Grocer) 578 (+366 cities than Friendly Grocer)
Friendly Grocer   vs   FoodWorks 329 (+113 locations than Friendly Grocer) 7 (+3 states than Friendly Grocer) 309 (+97 cities than Friendly Grocer)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Friendly Grocer with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Friendly Grocer Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of Friendly Grocer locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Friendly Grocer Huskisson 66 Owen Street Huskisson NSW 2540 (02) 4441 5050 -35.0391393 150.6714359 66 Owen Street, Huskisson, NSW, 2540 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Lennox Head 80-84 Ballina Street Lennoxhead NSW 2478 (02) 6687 7594 -28.794994 153.5936872 80-84 Ballina Street, Lennoxhead, NSW, 2478 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Hat Head 24 Straight Street Hathead NSW 2440 -31.0544816 153.049483 24 Straight Street, Hathead, NSW, 2440 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Annandale 117 Johnston Street Annandale NSW 2038 (02) 9660 1930 -33.8810685 151.1711127 117 Johnston Street, Annandale, NSW, 2038 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Hurlstone Park 8 Crinan Street Hurlstonepark NSW 2193 (02) 9559 1169 -33.9099441 151.1317861 8 Crinan Street, Hurlstonepark, NSW, 2193 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Queanbeyan 7 Gilmore Place Queanbeyanwest NSW 2620 (02) 6299 1435 -35.35819527 149.22041838 7 Gilmore Place, Queanbeyanwest, NSW, 2620 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Brewarrina 36 Bathurst Street Brewarrina NSW 2839 (02) 6839 2011 -29.960032 146.8564148 36 Bathurst Street, Brewarrina, NSW, 2839 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Mosman 60a Avenue Road Mosman NSW 2088 (02) 9960 7155 -33.8316793 151.2385406 60a Avenue Road, Mosman, NSW, 2088 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Gulargambone 10 Bourbah Street Gulargambone NSW 2828 (02) 6825 1978 -31.32970297 148.47294177 10 Bourbah Street, Gulargambone, NSW, 2828 Australia 2025-02-12
Friendly Grocer Kahibah Shop 4/3 Glebe Street Kahibah NSW 2290 (02) 4942 3918 -32.9623771 151.7124808 Shop 4/3 Glebe Street, Kahibah, NSW, 2290 Australia 2025-02-12

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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